Saturday, September 14, 2013

Ten Worst Moments in Life :((

Ten Worst Moments in Life:
1.) When call of nature comes, tissue is missing. :((
2.) When you just remembered you forgot to wear your watch and you have to wait in a long line.
3.) When you don't have anything to do when you are waiting for your turn to see the doctor.
4.) When you do something wrong but you won't admit it then the people blame someone else...
5.) When it's the very last night of your excursion ( Awww:(().
6.) When you noticed that very important paper is gone, plus, you can't remember where you placed it ( panic, panic, panic!).
7.) One word...INSOMNIA! You just can't sleep at night thinking about something.
8.) Losing to a person younger than you...D:
9.) Failing a test you thought you would get a high grade at.
10.) Having watery eyes when you get scolded in front of your classmates, you can't control your tears.

Hey guys, enjoying my posts? I know they're few but there will be more coming soon, so stay tuned!

If you haven't read the Ten Best Moments in Life, click on the heart <3, it will bring you there in a jiffy. Don't forget to comment down below your opinions about my blog so far:) Bye-bye!

-Shanelle :3  

Friday, September 13, 2013

Ten Best Moments in Life:))

Ten Best Moments in Life:
1.) When classes are suspended:)
2.) When there are still some Nutella left...
3.) When I can sleep more than 8 hours:))
4.) When my group mate is someone I actually like.
5.) When I am able to download a game (like pokemon, hey there pokefans!) in less than an hour:P
6.) When I have a talent only few people have...
7.) When the quiz is moved to another day ( yahoo!)
8.) When I was able to find the thing I was looking for like almost an eternity! Like my favorite doll before ( Sausage butt pig, I finally found you!).
9.) When there is a huge supply of 70% Dark chocolate XP
10.) When I have friends to support me when I have problems...

Look forward to more top ten something, bye for now!
Here, to go back to my first post... Click on the smiley :)

-Shanelle <3


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ten Tips to Succeed in Answering a Hard Exam

 Ten Tips to Succeed in Answering a Hard Exam: (of course studying is one of them)
1.) When the exam is about to begin, eat a sweet candy, it will make you feel more active and motivated to answer the exam.
2.) Just Chill and NEVER look at your watch, you'll just panic.
3.) Even though you are just in the first item of the exam, don't flip your paper again and again, you'll just see more questions that will make you tense.
4.) Breath in then out, it will help circulate your brain.
5.) Think of positive things, do not be a pessimist by thinking that you will fail.
6.) Stay calm, don't feel your heartbeat:) when it's fast, you'll just panic...AGAIN:)
7.) Don't doze off by thinking of dismissal, you'll go to a mall, with friends, shopping and some fun that you'll have soon, DON'T.
8.) Don't look at your teacher because, you will just remember the horror when they will check them. (but look at them only if the exam is over, or if there are corrections in the exam.)
9.) If in case you forget how to do a question, close your eyes and imagine your notes using photographic memory......if you have. (its works sometimes!)
10.) Finally, finish the test with confidence, but still check your paper, maybe twice is enough. Do not regret your answers.

Here is just a link to the new blog my brother made, look forward to it!
Infinite Possibilities


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Awkward Little Me

   Well, I know the first impression you guys will have is, "Cute!" or for some, "Mcdo!". I was seven years old that time still very happy, young and carefree. A lot of people say that I've gotten a lot thinner than before, that's true, I eat less now. 
          If you are a close person who grew up with me, you probably won't notice the difference. Before, I was a very crazy happy, cute and cheerful child, but now I am a person who may get mad sometimes or be filled with stress because of assignments, projects, reports and other stress-filled activities. For me, this is a very awkward photo because I am doing the Mcdo gesture on my head, and plus, I don't have my two front teeth that time, well it's a long story. These days, lots of people say, "Too bad, you've gotten thin, not cute anymore:(" That made me feel kinda sad, that sometimes I hope I would go back to that time and make a lot of people be addicted by my weird cuteness:P 
           Honestly, I don't regret changing who I am. I am now reaching for my dreams as a confident person. I am immature no more. I am also more responsible now, not that dependent anymore. I can also be the person to succeed in all hardships that block my way since I'm already not a little kiddy. I may still regret a bit now and then, but making me always stay the same way won't make me move a step closer to success. I learned saying goodbye to who I was and open a new door to where I am destined to stay. So, so long old me!